On Feelings
Your greatest sorrow comes not
from what you feel
but from not accepting how you feel
So ask yourself in honesty -
How do I really feel in this moment?
Regardless of what I should feel
or felt in the past
what the moment requires of me
what the people expect
I’m not asking you what others feel or think
I’m asking you
yes, you
how do you feel?
Is it guilt that wants to be heard
or pain that’s been left unattended
Is it the fear of losing
yourself, to the world
or not knowing weather you’ll make it
Is it anger or
sheer disappointment
in yourself
for not having the strength
to make yourself happy
In this wondrous journey of yours
Know that
All of your feelings are valid
All waiting
for a drop of kindness from yourself
to be acknowledged
finally seen and accepted
as valid facets of yourself
Allow them to rise
to the surface of your awareness
All are equally precious
Not one single feeling is
in truth
better than the other
It’s only the long practiced attachment
to how they feel
that creates this illusion
You cannot escape your feelings
and the fastest way
out of a feeling
is through the feeling
You be the space
that allows
them to pass through you
so they can dissipate
into thin air
It’s your awareness
to hold space for them with
no judgement
no associations
of good or bad
that heals.